When incorporating your Shopify store with Social Media, your overall Digital Marketing Strategy has to be consulted to see how the engagements and success stories get out and turn into the interest of the products being offered. A successful eCommerce business uses social networks to spread their brand awareness, the lifestyle their products participate in, engage with influencers who highlight the product and company attributes. Achieving the right balance between Shopify Apps, human interaction, and bridging social media platforms to your store is what will be covered.
Shopify & Social Media
Shopify has enablements for social network sites, and it comes in different forms. We'll highlight a few on how they incorporate into your online store.
Social Media themes - While there are different categories of Shopify Themes such as a Call-To-Action Theme example, Social Media Themes are built with the facilitation of content to be present and in conjunction with certain networks to be inserted. Given the product category, lifestyle, and engagement of the audience, themes can incorporate your "feed" in your store. Feeds such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. The feeds are usually curated to show the best examples, or highlights of their brand, product, and experiences. This allows for a "show-and-tell" of both the company and the audience attracting others to participate and engage.
Social Media Apps - These tools help connect the Shopify Store to your social network accounts. They either bring in content from a platform or can bring content out of your store to the platform. All this is happening in real-time through the API and Shopify Apps connect to the most popular social media sites.
Instagram: If you are planning to have a rolling Instagram feed on your homepage, linking your Instagram account to your store to pull the feed over and display its contents adds user-generated content imagery to your home page. This makes your page look fresher and influenced by the audience. Photography is powerful visuals when it comes to product placement and helps sell products.
Facebook messenger: Instant messaging is a very popular one in having on your Shopify store to allow the audience to chat with you from your store to your smartphone's messenger app. This facility helps convert clients which may have questions about your product and services, making your eCommerce store more effective.
Youtube Channel: Much like an Instagram feed, a Youtube Channel feed presents itself in the same manner, where video can be very impactful and as the audience watches the content, Google's measure of the user's time spent on the page increases and its favorable for your SEO. This tool listed below is one of the more popular Shopify Apps to insert your channel onto your page.
Facebook Feed: Where content, as well as imagery, is needed to be communicated, the Facebook feed App from Elfsight does a great job in displaying it onto your online store. Bringing your Facebook page to your audience will allow users to circle back and engage with your content.
No matter the social network you are engaged in, the Shopify App store has a variety of Apps with different capabilities. With the goal in mind to start selling your products and your audience offering their credit cards, there is a lot involved to get to that point. This is why your overall digital marketing strategy has to be primed ranging from your SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Keywords, and search queries and not just Google searches, but within the social network searches. Understanding the nuances and input from users and bringing interest and value add is continuous work that eventually leads to a following.
The power of social media when it comes to product sales is well established. How to incorporate the best components of each network takes some strategy and organization. Who is manning the messenger chat line, or who is monitoring and creating the Instagram feed requires individuals with the right knowledge to get the right outcomes for your engagement to turn into sales. It isn't link-and-forget, it is additional work however it does help conversions, and for most startups, it is a crucial step to get off the ground with their penetration strategy. If you want the power of social media, you have to invest in social media with your time - a commodity that most store owners struggle with. If you would like to review your marketing strategy, your online store, and Shopify Apps with a Shopify Expert, just give us a shout at wish@thegenielab.com