Key Highlights Elevate your business by implementing effective holiday sales strategies. Tailor promotions to cater...
Starting an eCommerce store is exciting, but it’s not free. While technology has made it easier than ever to build...
Magento is a powerful eCommerce business platform, but it comes with high maintenance, technical complexity, and r...
Moving your e-commerce store from one platform to another can be daunting due to potential d...
These two platforms have been around a long time - however, one transformed from hosted to SAAS (Software as a Servic...
Upgrading your Magento platform from Magento 1.x to 2.x requires a bit of planning, content adjustment if a new Theme...
Back in 2019, 13% of total B2B sales were driven via eCommerce in the USA. It was projected back in December 2019 by ...
At TheGenieLab, we are working on releasing products for ecommerce companies, to complement our service offering. We’...
As we blogged earlier this month, Magento announced that it is planning to close two of its eCommerce platforms: Mage...