WIX as a platform has all the basic SEO features for any Small Business to use. Your digital marketing strategy should encompass everything from email marketing, social media, and content marketing for search engines to see your links in the search results. In today's methods to target your audience, social media platforms are a primary area where digital advertising, influencers, and various demographic tools assist you to present your offerings to your audience.
WIX SEO tools
WIX SEO Wiz: This Wix SEO tool, gives the online store owner a way to create their online marketing plan by answering questions and giving the tool to prompt you to confirm and add your keywords throughout the website. The journey takes you all the way from configuring Google Analytics to get your sitemap.xml (bots need your structured data) to Google Search Console for you to see your links appear into a google search result.
WIX and Keywords
Content marketing is a crucial part of your digital marketing strategy that the marketing team would have profiled which keywords are important to highlight your product and services to your targetted audience. WIX SEO tools throughout the website from meta tags, alt text product descriptions to page titles give you the opportunity to enter keywords that makes your WIX site relevant. Long-tail keywords are recommended for a more relevant and more narrow search for your audience.
Titles and descriptions for your products and services being unique will make the search results stand out. While you might be tempted to jump onto the more popular search keywords, you might be drowning at the bottom of the search results. It may be hard at first to carve out your differentiated offering, but once established, you will have a stronger authority for those unique keywords.
Marketing Automation
With so many outlets to get your word out, your audience is going to be varied on how they want to interact with your business. Popular social media sites will have various methods to collect your fans and groups. Posting relevant content such as Blogs, Testimonials, and various digital media (videos, pictures to Instagram). Traditional Marketing has been augmented by Social Media Marketing, where both have to be attended to, and automation tools to propagate your content is important - such as MailChimp (Email marketing), Buffer (posts across social media platforms).
Wix Site Booster App
This WIX App is an assistant to help you to register your store to as many marketplaces as possible. Adding yourself to various directories so that your offerings are listed, assists both in backlinks, but also gets you to be visible in these various marketplaces to get your brand visible.
Content Marketing tools
There are "Keyword" tools such as AHref, Semrush, and others that help you see how Google rates your website authority, page authority, keywords associated with your site, and how your keywords rank when searched. The capabilities are especially useful for mature sites where accumulated years of keywords, searches, and products and services have been mentioned in the industry and how they are used to reach your pages. Additional tools such as site audits and content writing tools will have recommendations to improve your WIX SEO by giving you specifics on where to improve them (resolving duplicate titles, 404 links that need redirecting, etc.)
WIX SEO 404 Link Redirects.
A Dead link is never good for your SEO - it is important to recognize that being meticulous on where each indexed link that Google has archived gets a resolution to a page that exists. If a page cannot be found, the bots pick these up and mark them as errors. WIX has a redirect method for just this purpose - put in the bad link, and WIX will redirect to a good link.
Generating Relevant Content
There are various ways for a Small Business to generate content. The best and most effective way to build trusted content is to have independent reviews and influencers post and propagate your brand, products, and services with backlinks to your online store. This achieves authority improvements, brand awareness, and backlinks. Pushing out your very own content is a longer-term strategy where you have to build authority by using a keyword strategy and generating digital media for social media, email marketing, and blog posting for general reader consumption. This can take shape in digital image, video or written content, or a combination of all. WIX provides the ability to have this content to be pushed out via blogs. As for a video channel, Rumble, YouTube, and other video platforms give you the hosting and place for you to build a profile and deploy your videos from there. The same goes for images on Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
WIX SEO integrates well with the online marketing landscape of digital media that will host various types of content and share them on the various Social Media Platforms that are relevant to your products and services. Content generation is an investment for your brand equity, illustrating lifestyle, testimonial, and experiences on how important and adopted your offerings are. While WIX SEO makes the technical bits easy, it is the combination of both your digital marketing with the tools provided that makes your business visible to your online audience. If you would like to discuss your digital marketing plan and how TheGenieLab could assist with your SEO, please reach out to us at wish@thegenielab.com
SEO and Related Articles:
How to optimize your content marketing with Shopify's SEO: https://www.thegenielab.com/blogs/articles/how-to-optimize-your-content-marketing-with-shopify-s-seo
BigCommerce SEO Features: https://www.thegenielab.com/blogs/articles/bigcommerce-seo-features
Wix eCommerce and setting up your SEO: https://www.thegenielab.com/blogs/articles/wix-ecommerce-and-setting-up-your-seo
Shopify Experts, Google Analytics, and your SEO: https://www.thegenielab.com/blogs/articles/shopify-experts-google-analytics-and-your-seo